Security Features325PermittedValues0-Disabled,the phone will not use audio/voice encryption service.1-Optional, the phone will negotiate with the other IP phone what type of encryption to use for the ses-sion.2-Compulsory, the phone must use SRTP during a call.Default 0Web UI Account->Advanced->RTP Encryption(SRTP)[1]X is the account ID. For T58V/T58A/T56A, X=1-16; for CP960, X=1.Encrypting and Decrypting FilesYealink phones support downloading encrypted files from the server and encrypting files before/when uploading themto the server.You can encrypt the following files:l Configuration files: MAC-Oriented CFG file (.cfg), Common CFG file (y0000000000xx.cfg), MAC-local CFGfile (-local.cfg) or other custom CFG files (for example, sip.cfg, account.cfg)l Contact Files: -contact.xmlTo encrypt/decrypt files, you may have to configure an AES key.NoteaES keys must be 16 characters. The supported characters contain: 0 ~ 9, A ~ Z, a ~ z and special characters: # $ % * + , - . : =? @ [ ] ^ _ { } ~.TopicsConfiguration Files Encryption ToolsConfiguration Files Encryption and DecryptionContact Files Encryption and DecryptionEncryption and Decryption ConfigurationExample: Encrypting Configuration FilesConfiguration Files Encryption ToolsYealink provides three configuration files encryption tools:l Config_Encrypt_Tool.exe (via graphical tool for Windows platform)l Config_Encrypt.exe (via DOS command line for Windows platform)l yealinkencrypt (for Linux platform)The encryption tools encrypt plaintext configuration files (for example, account.cfg, .cfg,.cfg) (one by one or in batch) using 16-character symmetric keys (the same or different keys for configurationfiles) and generate encrypted configuration files with the same file name as before.These tools also encrypt the plaintext 16-character symmetric keys using a fixed key, which is the same as the one builtin the IP phone, and generate new files named as .enc (xx is the name of the configuration file, forexample, y000000000058_Security.enc for y000000000058.cfg file, account_Security.enc for account.cfg). These toolsgenerate another new file named as Aeskey.txt to store the plaintext 16-character symmetric keys for each con-figuration file.