Call Features221Emergency Dialplan and Enhanced 911You can dial the emergency telephone number (emergency services number) at any time when the IP phone ispowered on and has been connected to the network. It is available even if your phone keypad is locked or no SIPaccount is registered.Yealink phones support emergency dialplan and enhanced 911.Emergency Dial PlanYou can configure the emergency dial plan for the phone (for example, emergency number, emergency routing). Thephone determines if this is an emergency number by checking the emergency dial plan. When placing an emergencycall, the call is directed to the configured emergency server. Multiple emergency servers may need to be configured foremergency routing, avoiding that emergency calls could not get through because of the server failure. If the phone isnot locked, it checks against the regular dial plan. If the phone is locked, it checks against the emergency dial plan.Enhanced 911E911 (Enhanced 911) is a location technology that enables the called party to identify the geographical location of thecalling party. For example, if a caller makes an emergency call to E911, the feature extracts the caller's information forthe police department to immediately identify the caller's location.TopicEmergency Dialplan and Enhanced 911 ConfigurationEmergency Dialplan and Enhanced 911 ConfigurationThe following table lists the parameters you can use to configure emergency dialplan and Enhanced 911.Parameter dialplan.emergency.enable .cfgDescription It enables or disables the Emergency dialplan feature.PermittedValues0-Disabled1-EnabledDefault 1Parameter dialplan.emergency.asserted_id_source .cfgDescriptionIt configures the precedence of the source of emergency outbound identities when placing an emer-gency call.Note: If the obtained LLDP-MED ELIN value is blank and no custom outbound identity, the PAI headerwill not be included in the SIP INVITE request. It works only if “dialplan.emergency.enable” is set to 1(Enabled).PermittedValuesELIN-If it is set to ELIN, the outbound identity used in the P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) header of the SIPINVITE request is taken from the network using an LLDP-MED Emergency Location Identifier Number(ELIN). The custom outbound identity configured by “dialplan.emergency.custom_asserted_id” will beused if the phone fails to get the LLDP-MED ELIN value.CUSTOM-If it is set to CUSTOM, the custom outbound identity configured by “dial-plan.emergency.custom_asserted_id” will be used; if “dialplan.emergency.custom_asserted_id” is leftblank, the LLDP-MED ELIN value will be used.GENBAND-If it is set to GENBAND, GENBAND E911 feature is enabled, the location ID will be added tothe INVITE and REGISTER SIP messages.