Phone Network45Phone UI Settings->Advanced Settings (default password: admin) ->Network->VPN->VPN ActiveParameter static.openvpn.url .cfgDescriptionIt configures the access URL of the *.tar file for OpenVPN.Example:static.openvpn.url = URL within 511 charactersDefault BlankWeb UI Network->Advanced->VPN->Upload VPN Config[1]If you change this parameter, the phone will reboot to make the change take effect.Quality of Service (QoS)VoIP is extremely bandwidth and delay-sensitive. QoS is a major issue in VoIP implementations, regarding how to guar-antee that packet traffic is not delayed or dropped due to interference from other lower priority traffic. VoIP can guar-antee high-quality QoS only if the voice and the SIP packets are given priority over other kinds of network traffic. Thephones support the DiffServ model of QoS.Voice QoSIn order to make VoIP transmissions intelligible to receivers, voice packets should not be dropped, excessively delayed,or made to suffer varying delay. DiffServ model can guarantee high-quality voice transmission when the voice packetsare configured to a higher DSCP value.Video QoSTo ensure acceptable visual quality for video, video packets emanated from the phones should be configured with ahigh transmission priority. It is not applicable to CP960 phones.SIP QoSSIP protocol is used for creating, modifying, and terminating two-party or multi-party sessions. To ensure good voicequality, SIP packets emanated from the phones should be configured with a high transmission priority.DSCPs for voice and SIP packets can be specified respectively.Wi-Fi QoSWi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) is based on the IEEE 802.11e standard and provides basic Quality of service (QoS) features towireless networks. QoS enables Wi-Fi access points to prioritize traffic and optimizes the way shared network resourcesare allocated among different applications.NoteFor voice and SIP packets, the phone obtains DSCP info from the network policy if LLDP feature is enabled, which takes pre-cedence over manual settings. For more information on LLDP, refer to LLDP Configuration.TopicVoice, Video and SIP QoS Configuration