Call Features239Default 0Web UI Features->Forward&DND->DND->DND StatusPhone UI Settings->Features->DND->DND StatusParameter features.dnd.on_code .cfgDescriptionIt configures the DND on code to activate the server-side DND feature. The phone will send the DND oncode to the server when you activate DND feature on the phone.Note: It works only if “features.dnd.allow” is set to 1 (Enabled) and the value of the parameter “fea-tures.dnd_mode” is set to 0 (Phone) (except CP960 phones).PermittedValues String within 32 charactersDefault BlankWeb UI Features->Forward&DND->DND->On CodePhone UI Settings->Features->DND->On CodeParameter features.dnd.off_code .cfgDescriptionIt configures the DND off code to deactivate the server-side DND feature. The phone will send the DNDoff code to the server when you deactivate DND feature on the phone.Note: It works only if “features.dnd.allow” is set to 1 (Enabled) and the value of the parameter “fea-tures.dnd_mode” is set to 0 (Phone) (except CP960 phones).PermittedValues String within 32 charactersDefault BlankWeb UI Features->Forward&DND->DND->Off CodePhone UI Settings->Features->DND->Off CodeDND in Custom Mode ConfigurationThe following table lists the parameters you can use to configure DND in Custom mode.Parameter account.X.dnd.enable[1] .cfgDescriptionIt triggers the DND feature to on or off.Note: It works only if “features.dnd.allow” is set to 1 (Enabled) and value of the parameter “features.dnd_mode” is set to 1 (Custom). It is not applicable to CP960 phones.PermittedValues0-Off1-On, the phone will reject incoming calls on account X.Default 0Web UI Features->Forward& DND->DND->AccountX->DND StatusPhone UI Settings->Features->DND->AccountX->DND StatusParameter account.X.dnd.on_code[1] .cfgDescriptionIt configures the DND on code to activate the server-side DND feature.The phone will send the DND on code to the server when you activate DND feature on the phone.