Troubleshooting Methods447l -all.cfg: It contains all changes made via phone user interface, web user interface and using configurationfiles.l -static.cfg: It contains all changes associated with static parameters (for example, network settings) madevia phone user interface, web user interface and using configuration files.l -non-static.cfg: It contains all changes associated with non-static parameters made via phone user inter-face, web user interface and using configuration files.l -config.cfg: It contains changes associated with non-static parameters made using configuration files. Itcan be exported only if “static.auto_provision.custom.protect” is set to 1 (Enabled).Procedure1. Navigate to Settings->Configuration.2. In the Export CFG Configuration File block, click Export to open the file download window, and then save the fileto your local system.Importing CFG Configuration Files to PhoneYou can import the configuration files from local to the phones via the web user interface. The configuration files con-tain the changes for phone features, and these changes will take effect after importing.Procedure1. Navigate to Settings->Configuration.2. In the Import CFG Configuration File block, click Browse to locate a CFG configuration file in your local system.3. Click Import to import the configuration file.TopicConfiguration Files Import URL ConfigurationConfiguration Files Import URL ConfigurationThe following table lists the parameters you can use to configure the configuration files import URL.Parameter static.custom_mac_cfg.url .cfgDescription It configures the access URL of the custom MAC-Oriented CFG file.PermittedValues URL within 511 charactersDefault BlankExporting BIN Files from the PhoneProcedure1. From the web user interface, click Settings->Configuration.2. In the Export Configuration block, click Export to open the file download window, and then save the file to yourlocal system.Importing BIN Files from the PhoneProcedure