Audio Features275PermittedValues0-The handset volume at the end of a call persists between calls.1 to 15-The handset volume does not persist between calls, and resets to this specified level each newcall.Default 0Parameter voice.headset_send[1] .cfgDescriptionIt configures the sending volume of the headset.Note: We recommend that you modify this parameter cautiously. A suitable value may render the voicequality bad. It is not applicable to CP960 phones.PermittedValues Integer from -50 to 50Default 0Web UI Features->Audio->Headset Send Volume (-50~50)Parameter voice.headset.autoreset_spk_vol .cfgDescriptionIt configures the headset's volume level during a call.Note: It is not applicable to CP960 phones.PermittedValues0-The headset volume at the end of a call persists between calls.1 to 15-The headset volume does not persist between calls, and resets to this specified level each new call.Default 0Parameter voice.side_tone[1] .cfgDescription It configures the volume of the side tone.PermittedValues Integer from -100 to 0Default -25Parameter voice.bluetooth_headset_send[1] .cfgDescriptionIt configures the sending volume of the Bluetooth headset.Note: We recommend that you modify this parameter cautiously. A suitable value may render the voicequality bad. It is not applicable to CP960 phones.PermittedValues Integer from -50 to 50Default 0[1]If you change this parameter, the phone will reboot to make the change take effect.TonesWhen receiving a message, the phone will play a warning tone. You can customize tones or select specialized tone sets(vary from country to country) to indicate different conditions of the IP phone.TopicsSupported TonesTones Configuration