Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T58V/T58A/T56A/CP960 IP Phones300will not send a critical alert quality report to the central report collector.If it is set to blank, critical alerts are not generated due to MOS-LQ.PermittedValues 15 to 40Default BlankWeb UI Settings->Voice Monitoring->Critical threshold for MoslqParameter phone_setting.vq_rtcpxr_delay_threshold_warning .cfgDescriptionIt configures the threshold value of one-way delay (in milliseconds) that causes the phone to send a warn-ing alert quality report to the central report collector.For example, if it is set to 500, when the value of one way delay computed by the phone is greater than orequal to 500, the phone will send a warning alert quality report to the central report collector; when thevalue of one way delay computed by the phone is less than 500, the phone will not send a warning alertquality report to the central report collector.If it is set to blank, warning alerts are not generated due to one-way delay. One-way delay includes bothnetwork delay and end system delay.PermittedValues 10 to 2000Default BlankWeb UI Settings->Voice Monitoring->Warning threshold for DelayParameter phone_setting.vq_rtcpxr_delay_threshold_critical .cfgDescriptionIt configures the threshold value of one-way delay (in milliseconds) that causes the phone to send a crit-ical alert quality report to the central report collector.For example, if it is set to 500, when the value of one-way delay computed by the phone is greater than orequal to 500, the phone will send a critical alert quality report to the central report collector; when thevalue of one way delay computed by the phone is less than 500, the phone will not send a critical alertquality report to the central report collector.If it is set to blank, critical alerts are not generated due to one-way delay. One-way delay includes bothnetwork delay and end system delay.PermittedValues 10 to 2000Default BlankWeb UI Settings->Voice Monitoring->Critical threshold for DelayVQ-RTCPXR DisplayYou can check the voice quality data of the last call via web user interface or phone user interface. You can also specifythe options of the RTP status to be displayed on the phone user interface. Options of the RTP status displayed on theweb user interface cannot be specified.NoteYou can configure the softkey layout feature to display the RTP Status soft key during the conference. Then you can pressthe RTP Status soft key to check the voice quality data with different parties. For more information, refer to Softkey Lay-out.