3-37Table 3-29 MAC Based ACL Setup Page item descriptionItem DescriptionSelection ACL Selects an existing MAC-based ACL to which rules are to be added.Create ACLDefines a new user-defined MAC-based Access Control List. The optionsare as follows:z ACL Priority: Sets the ACL priority. The possible field values are 1-100.z Rule Priority Type: Sets the rule priority type. CONFIG: You will have toconfigure the ACL rule priority by yourself, AUTO: the ACL rule prioritywill be configured automatically.Priority Sets the rule priority, which determines which rule is matched to a packet ona first-match basis. The possible field values are 1-65535.Source MACAddressMatches the source MAC address to which packets are addressed to therule.Source MaskDefines the source MAC Address wildcard mask.Wildcards are used to mask all or part of a source MAC address. Wildcardmasks specify which bits are used and which are ignored. A wildcard maskof FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF indicates that no bit is important. A wildcard of00. indicates that all bits are important.For example, if the source MAC address is 00:AB:22:11:33:00 and thewildcard mask is 00:00:00:00:00:FF, the first five bytes of the MAC are used,while the last byte is ignored. For the source MAC address00:AB:22:11:33:00, this wildcard mask matches all MAC addresses in therange 00:AB:22:11:33:00 to 00:AB:22:11:33:FF.Destination MACAddressMatches the destination MAC address to which packets are addressed to therule.Destination MaskDefines the destination MAC Address wildcard mask.Wildcards are used to mask all or part of a destination MAC address.Wildcard masks specify which bits are used and which are ignored. Awildcard mask of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF indicates that no bit is important. Awildcard mask of indicates that all bits are important.For example, if the destination MAC address is 00:AB:22:11:33:00 and thewildcard mask is 00:00:00:00:00:FF, the first five bytes of the MAC are used,while the last byte is ignored. For the destination MAC address00:AB:22:11:33:00, this wildcard mask matches all MAC addresses in therange 00:AB:22:11:33:00 to 00:AB:22:11:33:FF.VLAN ID Matches the packet's VLAN ID to the rule. The possible field values are 1 to4094.CoS Classifies traffic based on the CoS tag value.CoS Mask Defines the CoS mask used to classify network traffic.Ethertype Provides an identifier that differentiates between various types of protocols.ActionSpecifies the ACL forwarding action. In addition, the port can be shut down,a trap can be sent to the network administrator, or packet is assigned ratelimiting restrictions for forwarding. The options are as follows:z Permit: Forwards packets which meet the ACL criteria.z Deny: Drops packets which meet the ACL criteria.To create a new MAC-based ACL:1) Select Create ACL.2) Enter the name of the new ACL.3) Click Create. The new ACL is created, and the switch is updated.