3Com Swich 7750 SeriesCommand Reference Guide – Information Center Chapter 1 Information Center Commands1-5Table 1-3 Special characters in regular expression.Specialcharacters Description Usage restrictions_The underscore, functionssimilar to a wildcard, canrepresent the followingcharacters:^ –– Caret$ –– Dollar sign| –– Alternation sign[ –– Left bracket, –– Comma( ) –– Left/right parenthesis{ } –– Left/right brace] –– Right bracketSpaceStart/stop characterIf the first character of a regularexpression is not ‘_’, the number of‘_’ used in the expression is notrestricted, but is restricted by thelength of command line.If the first character is ‘_’, thenumber of consecutive “_” shouldless than 5;If the ‘_’ characters are notconsecutive, the output informationwill be filtered by the first group of‘_’, and the remain ‘_’ characterswill not be processed.(The left parenthesis, thepush-onto-the-stack flag inprogrammingYou are recommended not to usethis character to establish a regularexpression.DescriptionUse the isplay logbuffer command to display the state of logbuffer and theinformation recorded in logbuffer.Example# Display the state of logbuffer and the log information recorded in the logbuffer.<3Com> display logbufferLogging buffer configuration and contents:enabledAllowed max buffer size : 1024Actual buffer size : 512Channel number : 4 , Channel name : logbufferDropped messages : 0Overwritten messages : 0Current messages : 91...... (Omitted)