3Com Switch 7750 SeriesCommand Reference Guide – Mirroring Chapter 1 Mirroring Commands1-5Parameter Descriptionuser-group { acl-number | acl-name }User-defined ACLacl-number: ACL number of theuser-defined ACL, ranging from 5,000 to5,999.acl-name: ACL name, up to 32characters long, beginning with anEnglish letter (a to z or A to Z) withoutspace and quotation mark, not casesensitive.rule-idNumber of the ACL rule, ranging from 0 to127. If this argument is not specified, allrules in the specified ACL will be applied.system-index: Specifies an interior index value which is used when an ACL rule isapplied to the port. The index value ranges from 0 to 4294,967,295. This keyword isonly available when the ACL rule number is specified in the command. After thespecified ACL takes effect, there are three scenarios when you input the index value:z If you do not input an index value or the index value you input is 0, the system willautomatically assign an index whose value is greater than 0;z If the input index value is not 0 and does not conflict with the interior index used bythe system, the system will adopt the index value input by you;z If the input index value is not 0 but conflicts with the interior index used by thesystem, the system will reassign an index value.When the specified ACL rule is not effective, the system will adopt the index value inputby you.Interface interface-type interface-number [ reflector ]: Mirrors traffic flows to specificport. interface-type interface-number indicates an Ethernet port. With the reflectorkeyword specified, the parameters represent a reflector port, together withcorresponding configuration to realize remote traffic mirroring; without the reflectorkeyword, the parameters represent a destination port, used to realize the local trafficmirroring.mirroring-group group-id: Mirrors traffic flows to specific mirroring group.DescriptionUse the mirrored-to command to start ACLs to identify traffics and perform trafficmirroring for packets that match.Use the undo mirrored-to command to remove traffic mirroring configuration.This command only applies to the rules whose actions are permit in matching thespecified ACL, and only mirrors the received traffic flows. If you want to mirror trafficflows to a specified port, the port must be a destination port or reflector port of amirroring group.