3Com Switch 7750 SeriesCommand Reference Guide – ACL Chapter 1 ACL Commands1-10Table 1-3 Description of the fields of the display time-range commandField DescriptionCurrent time is 14:36:364-3-2003 Thursday The current time of the system.Time-range : tm1 ( Inactive )from 08:30 2-5-2005 to 18:002/19/2005Time range tm1. “Inactive” indicates that thistime range is currently in the inactive state (while“Active” indicates that the time range is in theactive state), and the time range is from 8:30February 5, 2005 to 18:00 February 19 2005.1.1.11 packet-filterSyntaxI. The command line format for A type cardpacket-filter { inbound | outbound } acl-rule [ system-index ][ not-care-for-interface ]undo packet-filter { inbound | outbound } acl-rule [ not-care-for-interface ]II. The command line format for the cards except A type onespacket-filter inbound acl-rule [ system-index ]undo packet-filter inbound acl-ruleNote:Combined activating of IP ACL and Link ACL is supported by the cards except A typeones. But the sum of the bytes number defined by IP ACL and that defined by the LinkACL can not exceed 32 bytes; otherwise the ACL can not be activated.ViewQoS viewParameterinbound: Specifies to filter packets received on the port.outbound: Specifies to filter packets sent through the port.acl-rule: Applied ACL rules, which can be the combination of different types of ACLrules. Table 1-4and Table 1-6 describe the ACL combinations on service board of Atype and the corresponding parameter description. Table 1-5 and Table 1-6 describe