CSX7000 21PLATFORM D ESCRIPTIONInternal Platform ComponentsS EGMENTATION OF B ACKPLANEThe various modules in the platform (subsystem) are preinstalled. However, it is important toknow how the backplane is segmented for maintenance purposes. From the inside of the platform,the backplane slots are numbered 1 through 16, left to right. The slots are electrically connected inpairs of two: slots 1 and 2, slots 3 and 4, and so on.A system group may require more than 2 card slots. In this case, a pair of slots could be electricallyconnected together with a shunt. A group with 5 cards, for example, could occupy slots 1 through5, with shunts forming the electrical connection between slots 2 and 3, and slots 4 and 5 (resultingin a group of 6 slots). Slot 6 would remain vacant.If you need to install a shunt, insert it into the backplane bay between the appropriate slots.Shunt IllustrationThe following table lists possible configurations for the CSX7000. It lists the electrically-paired slotnumbers horizontally, and the possible group combinations (i.e., number of cards per group)vertically. It identifies with an “x” where shunts are necessary for these configurations. Keep in mindthat slot 15 is reserved for the EMS processor board if EMS is to be part of the system.Electrically Connected Slots -->"x" indicates required shuntLet’s consider an example installation which supports two CSX7000s.System GroupSegmenting 1-2 3 -4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-164+4+4+4 x x x x6+6+2+2 x x x x8+4+2+2 x x x x6+6+4 x x x x x8+4+4 x x x x x8+6+2 x x x x x8+8 x x x x x x8 +2 x x x EMS