CSX7000 Guide46 CyberSWITCHThe ID refers to the data highway identification of the current IES as determined by the hardwareswitch setting (page 32). Since the processor modules are in the same subsystem, the ID number isthe same for all of them.The group number identifies which group in the segmented backplane of the subsystem containsthe processor. Groups are defined for each subsystem as part of the Setup option (from theFunctions Menu of the IES Status Screen).The current status of each processor is displayed as follows:Active The Processor is running.Inactive The Processor does not respond to the IES.Reset The Processor is resetting.Offline The IES is holding the Processor offline.Startup The supervisory software is initializing. Status of the processor is not yet known.Not Attached No Processor is physically attached to this connector on the multiplexor.Group Off Power to the group of slots containing the Processor is turned off.The CPR field should be disabled. Cabletron does not recommend enabling this field for theCSX7000.The POL field indicates whether the Pending Offline function is enabled on this processor.The Description is a “name” specified by the user to describe and identify each Processor.Note: When naming the EMS processor, include the key word super (case insensitive) in itsdescription field. When BCVision automatically checks this field and finds this keyword,it will not allow this processor to be placed offline.BC S TATUS S CREEN FUNCTIONSFrom the BC Status Screen the following interactive functions are available:• Return to IES Screen• Help• MarkHelpPress to view help information describing BCVision.