Programming the Power WindowsIf the battery on your vehicle has been recharged,disconnected, or is not working, you will need toreprogram each front power window for theexpress-up feature to work. Before reprogramming,you will need to replace or recharge your vehicle’sbattery.To program each front window, follow these steps:1. With the ignition in ACCESSORY, RUN, orwhen Retained Accessory Power (RAP) isactive, close all doors.2. Press and hold the power window switch untilthe window is fully open.3. Pull the power window switch up until thewindow is fully closed.4. Continue holding the switch up forapproximately two seconds after the windowis completely closed.The window is now reprogrammed. Repeat theprocess for the other windows.Express Window Anti-Pinch FeatureIf any object is in the path of the window whenthe express-up is active, the window will stopat the obstruction and auto-reverse to a presetfactory position. Weather conditions such assevere icing may also cause the window toauto-reverse. The window will return to normaloperation once the obstruction or conditionis removed.Express Window Anti-Pinch Override{CAUTION:If express override is activated, thewindow will not reverse automatically.You or others could be injured and thewindow could be damaged. Before youuse express override, make sure that allpeople and obstructions are clear of thewindow path.106