File System and NamingThe song name that displays is the song namethat is contained in the ID3 tag. If the song name isnot present in the ID3 tag, then the radio displaysthe file name without the extension (suchas .mp3) as the track name.Track names longer than 22 characters orfour pages are shortened. Parts of words on thelast page of text and the extension of the filenameis not displayed.Preprogrammed PlaylistsPreprogrammed playlists that were created usingWinAmp™, MusicMatch™, or Real Jukebox™software can be accessed, however, they cannotbe edited using the radio. These playlists aretreated as special folders containing compressedaudio song files. Playlists must have a fileextension of PLS, M3U, or WPL.Playlists can be changed by using the previousand next folder buttons, the seek buttons, orturning the tuner knob. Tracks cannot be changed.Songs are played sequentially; press the REVor FWD to reverse or advance through thecurrently playing song.Playing an MP3Insert a CD-R partway into the slot (Single CDPlayer), or press the load button and wait for themessage to insert disc (Six-Disc CD Player),label side up. The player pulls it in, and the CD-Rshould begin playing.If the ignition or radio is turned off while a CD-R isin the player, it stays in the player. When theignition or radio is turned on, the CD-R starts toplay where it stopped, if it was the last selectedaudio source.As each new track starts to play, the track numberand song title displays.If playing a CD-R, the sound quality can bereduced due to CD-R quality, the method ofrecording, the quality of the music that has beenrecorded, and the way the CD-R has beenhandled. There can be an increase in skipping,difficulty in finding tracks, and/or difficulty in loadingand ejecting. If these problems occur, check thebottom surface of the CD. If the surface of theCD is damaged, such as cracked, broken,or scratched, the CD will not play properly. If thesurface of the CD is soiled, see Care of Your CDson page 292 for more information.283