Your vehicle has a rear seat that will accommodatea rear-facing child restraint. A label on your sunvisor says, “Never put a rear-facing child seatin the front.” This is because the risk to therear-facing child is so great, if the airbag deploys.{CAUTION:A child in a rear-facing child restraint canbe seriously injured or killed if the rightfront passenger’s airbag inflates. This isbecause the back of the rear-facing childrestraint would be very close to theinflating airbag.Even though the passenger sensingsystem is designed to turn off the rightfront passenger’s frontal and seat-mountedside impact airbag if the system detects arear-facing child restraint, no system isfail-safe, and no one can guarantee that anairbag will not deploy under some unusualcircumstance, even though it is turned off.CAUTION: (Continued)CAUTION: (Continued)We recommend that rear-facing childrestraints be secured in the rear seat,even if the airbags are off.If you need to secure a forward-facingchild restraint in the right front seat,always move the front passenger seat asfar back as it will go. It is better to securethe child restraint in a rear seat.{CAUTION:A child in a child restraint in the centerfront seat can be badly injured or killed bythe right front passenger’s airbag if itinflates. Never secure a child restraint inthe center front seat. It is always better tosecure a child restraint in the rear seat.52