Your vehicle has a Computer-ControlledCranking System. This feature assists instarting the engine and protects components.If the ignition key is turned to the STARTposition, and then released when the enginebegins cranking, the engine will continuecranking for a few seconds or until the vehiclestarts. If the engine does not start and thekey is held in START for many seconds,cranking will be stopped after 15 seconds toprevent cranking motor damage. To preventgear damage, this system also preventscranking if the engine is already running.Engine cranking can be stopped by turningthe ignition switch to the ACCESSORY orOFF position.Notice: Cranking the engine for long periodsof time, by returning the key to the STARTposition immediately after cranking has ended,can overheat and damage the cranking motor,and drain the battery. Wait at least 15 secondsbetween each try, to allow the crankingmotor to cool down.2. If the engine does not start after 5-10 seconds,especially in very cold weather (below 0°For −18°C), it could be flooded with too muchgasoline. Try pushing the acceleratorpedal all the way to the floor and holding itthere as you hold the key in START for up toa maximum of 15 seconds. Wait at least15 seconds between each try, to allow thecranking motor to cool down. When the enginestarts, let go of the key and accelerator.If the vehicle starts briefly but then stopsagain, do the same thing. This clears the extragasoline from the engine. Do not race theengine immediately after starting it. Operatethe engine and transaxle gently until theoil warms up and lubricates all moving parts.Notice: Your engine is designed to work withthe electronics in your vehicle. If you addelectrical parts or accessories, you couldchange the way the engine operates. Beforeadding electrical equipment, check withyour dealer. If you do not, your engine mightnot perform properly. Any resulting damagewould not be covered by your vehicle’swarranty.116