Cigarette LighterNotice: Holding a cigarette lighter in while itis heating will not allow the lighter to backaway from the heating element when it is hot.Damage from overheating may occur to thelighter or heating element, or a fuse could beblown. Do not hold a cigarette lighter inwhile it is heating.The cigarette lighter is located near thefront ashtray.Press the lighter all the way in and release it. Itwill pop back out by itself once the elementhas heated for use.Cigarette lighters can be used to provide electricalpower to accessories. See Accessory PowerOutlet(s) on page 201 for more information.Analog ClockThe analog clock is located on the instrumentpanel above the radio. The clock is not connectedwith any other vehicle system and runs byitself. To adjust the clock, do the following:1. Locate the adjustment button directly belowthe clock face.2. Push and hold the adjustment button toadvance the clock hands. Holding thebutton down will cause the clock to advancefaster. Release the button before you getto the desired time.3. Push and release the button to increase thetime by one minute increments until thedesired time is reached.203