Vehicles that have the Tire Pressure MonitorSystem (TPMS) will need to have the sensorsreset after a tire rotation is performed. SeeTire Pressure Monitor System on page 406.Make certain that all wheel nuts are properlytightened. See “Wheel Nut Torque” underCapacities and Specifications on page 452.{CAUTION:Rust or dirt on a wheel, or on the parts towhich it is fastened, can make wheel nutsbecome loose after time. The wheel couldcome off and cause an accident. Whenyou change a wheel, remove any rust ordirt from places where the wheel attachesto the vehicle. In an emergency, you canuse a cloth or a paper towel to do this;but be sure to use a scraper or wire brushlater, if needed, to get all the rust or dirtoff. See Changing a Flat Tire on page 420.When It Is Time for New TiresOne way to tell when itis time for new tires isto check the treadwearindicators, which willappear when your tireshave only 1/16 inch(1.6 mm) or less oftread remaining.You need a new tire if any of the followingstatements are true:• You can see the indicators at three or moreplaces around the tire.• You can see cord or fabric showing throughthe tire’s rubber.• The tread or sidewall is cracked, cut, orsnagged deep enough to show cord or fabric.• The tire has a bump, bulge, or split.• The tire has a puncture, cut, or other damagethat cannot be repaired well because of thesize or location of the damage.411