Using Adaptive Cruise Control on Hillsand When Towing a TrailerHow well Adaptive Cruise Control will work on hillsand when towing a trailer depends on your vehicle’sspeed, vehicle load, traffic conditions and thesteepness of the hills. It may not detect a vehicle inyour lane while driving on hills. When going upsteep hills, you may want to use the acceleratorpedal to maintain your vehicle’s speed. When goingdownhill, especially when towing a trailer, you maywant to brake to keep your speed down. Applyingthe brake disengages the system. You may choosenot to use Adaptive Cruise Control on steep hills,especially when towing a trailer.Disengaging Adaptive Cruise ControlTo turn off the system, apply the brake pedal,press the cancel button, or press the AdaptiveCruise Control button.Erasing Set Speed MemoryWhen you press the Adaptive Cruise Controlbutton or turn the ignition off, the set speedmemory is erased.Other MessagesThere are three additional messages that mayappear on the DIC. They are SERVICE RADARCRUISE, RADAR CRUISE NOT READY andCLEAN RADAR. These messages will appear toindicate a problem with the Adaptive CruiseControl. See DIC Warnings and Messages onpage 239 for more information.Cleaning the SystemThe radar can become blocked by snow, ice, ordirt. If so, you may need to turn off the engine andclean the lens. Remember, do not use AdaptiveCruise Control in icy conditions, or when visibility islow, such as in fog, rain or snow.The emblem/lens is located in the center ofthe grille.To clean the emblem/lens, wipe the surface with asoft cloth. After cleaning the emblem/lens, try toengage the Adaptive Cruise Control. If youare unable to do so, see your dealer.185