2. Write down the eight to 12 coding switchsettings from left to right. When the switchis in the up position, write “on,” and when aswitch is in the down position, write “off”.If a switch is set between the up and downposition, write “middle”.3. Enter these positions into the Universal HomeRemote System as follows.Press and release all three buttons at the sametime to put the device into programming mode.4. The indicator light will blink slowly. In orderfrom left to right, and within two and one-halfminutes, enter each switch setting into theUniversal Home Remote System. Pushone button for each switch as follows:• Left button = “on” switch position.• Right button = “off” switch position.• Middle button = “middle” switch position.5. After entering the switch settings, press andrelease all three buttons at the same time.The indicator lights will turn on.6. Press and hold the button you would like touse to control the garage door until thegarage door moves. The indicator light abovethe selected button should slowly blink.You may need to hold the button from five to55 seconds.7. Immediately release the button when thegarage door moves. The indicator light willblink rapidly until programming is complete.8. Press and release the button again. Thegarage door should move, confirming thatprogramming is successful and complete.Example143