CHAPTER 2 NEW FUNCTIONS2-160 COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR8500/7200 REV.1 AUG. 2001e. Removing the Main Thermistor1) Remove the fixing assembly.2) Remove the fixing web and the oil pan.3) Remove the fixing harness cover.4) Disconnect the connector [1] of thethermistor. Remove the screw [2], andshift the thermistor assembly [3] to therear to detach.When shifting the thermistorassembly to the rear, take carenot to damage the fixing rollerwith the thermistor.F02-909-095) Remove the 2 thermistor retainingsprings [1], and detach the main ther-mistor [2].F02-909-10[2][3][1][1] [1][2]