COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR8500/7200 REV.1 AUG. 2001ERROR CODEE-3E002Main cause The main thermistor (TH1) has poor contact or an open circuit. The thermal(TP1) has an open circuit. The fixing heater has an open circuit. The SSR isfaulty. The DC controller is faulty.Condition0000 After the reading of the thermistor (TH1) exceeds 70°C, it does notreach 100°C within 2 mins 30 secs.0001 After the reading of the main thermistor exceeds 100°C, it does notreach 150°C within 2 mins 30 secs.Caution You must clear the error in service mode: COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR.E003Main cause The main thermistor (TH1) has poor contact or an open circuit. The thermalswitch (TP1) has an open circuit. The SSR is faulty. The DC controller PCBis faulty.Condition0000 The reading of the main thermistor is 70°C or lower for 2 secs ormore after it reaches 100°C.Caution You must clear the error in service mode: COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR.E004Main cause The SSR has a short circuit. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Condition0000 A short circuit occurs in the SSR used to drive the fixing heater(hard circuit detection).Caution You must clear the error in service mode: COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR.