The following example shows how to verify a virtual IP address configuration.NOTE: In the following example, the primary IP address and the virtual IP addresses are on the same subnet.Dell(conf-if-te-1/1)#show conf!interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/1ip address!vrrp-group 111priority 255virtual-address!vrrp-group 222no shutdownThe following example shows the same VRRP group (VRID 111) configured on multiple interfaces on different subnets.Dell#show vrrp------------------TenGigabitEthernet 1/1, VRID: 111, Version: 2 Net: Master, Priority: 255, Master: (local)Hold Down: 0 sec, Preempt: TRUE, AdvInt: 1 secAdv rcvd: 0, Bad pkts rcvd: 0, Adv sent: 1768, Gratuitous ARP sent: 5Virtual MAC address:00:00:5e:00:01:6fVirtual IP address: (none)------------------TenGigabitEthernet 1/2, VRID: 111, Version: 2 Net: Master, Priority: 100, Master: (local)Hold Down: 0 sec, Preempt: TRUE, AdvInt: 1 secAdv rcvd: 0, Bad pkts rcvd: 0, Adv sent: 27, Gratuitous ARP sent: 2Virtual MAC address:00:00:5e:00:01:6fVirtual IP address: the VRRP process completes its initialization, the State field contains either Master or Backup.Setting VRRP Group (Virtual Router) PrioritySetting a virtual router priority to 255 ensures that router is the “owner” virtual router for the VRRP group. VRRP elects theMASTER router by choosing the router with the highest priority.The default priority for a virtual router is 100. The higher the number, the higher the priority. If the MASTER router fails, VRRPbegins the election process to choose a new MASTER router based on the next-highest priority.If two routers in a VRRP group come up at the same time and have the same priority value, the interface’s physical IP addresses areused as tie-breakers to decide which is MASTER. The router with the higher IP address becomes MASTER.To configure the VRRP group’s priority, use the following command.• Configure the priority for the VRRP group.INTERFACE -VRID modepriority priorityThe range is from 1 to 255.The default is 100.Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) 983