Getting Started Connections Settings Playback Remote ControlMulti-zone Information Troubleshooting SpecificationsSettingsENGLISHMaking Detailed Settings (Manual Setup)Main remote control unitoperation buttons:Displaying the menuCancel the menu:Moves the cursor(Up/Down/Left/Right) :Confirm the setting :Return to previous menuSetting items Setting contentsNetwork Connecting(Continued)The access point is displayed.NETWORK CONNECTINGSearchSelect access point to connectPlease select access point to connect.WEPDENONRETURN CancelEnter46%e Use u i to select the access point and press ENTER.PIN code number is displayed.NETWORK CONNECTINGEnter below PIN code in the registrar to startthe registrarCurrent PIN codeWaiting for connection....12345678r Set the PIN code displayed on the GUI screen to registrar.When connection is established with access point, “Connectioncompleted” is displayed.Manual settingsNETWORK CONNECTINGManualSearchMake settings manuallywireless LAN hostEnterSelect a connection method appropriate for yourWPSRETURN CancelNETWORK CONNECTING [1/2]ConnectionManually enter SSIDKey1Default KeyRETURN CancelSSIDAAAAAWEPDENONSecuritynSetting items Setting contentsNetwork Connecting(Continued)q On the GUI menu, select “Network Connecting” – “Manual” and pressENTER.w Use uio p to input the name of the wireless network (SSID) andpress ENTER.The types of characters that can be input are as shown below.GLower case charactersH abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzGUpper case charactersH ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZGSymbolsH ! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ˆ _ ` { | } ˜GNumbersH 0123456789 (Space)You can change the character type when you press SEARCH on themain remote control unit or MENU during character input.e Use ui to select the Security and press i.None : Select if not encrypted. Can also be used even withoutencryption, through we recommend encryption for improved security.WEP / WPA-PSK(TKIP) / WPA-PSK(AES) / WPA2-PSK(TKIP) / WPA2-PSK(AES) : Select the encryption method according to the encryptionsetting of the access point you are using.r Use uio p to input the “Key” (encryption key) and press ENTER.Enter the same encryption key as used for the access point.The types of characters that can be input are as shown below.GLower case charactersH abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzGUpper case charactersH ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZGSymbolsH ! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ˆ _ ` { | } ˜GNumbersH 0123456789 (Space)You can change the character type when you press SEARCH on themain remote control unit or MENU during character input.When no security settings have been used in the Internet connectionsettings, this step is not necessary.t When encryption is by “WEP”, select the “Default Key” using i, andthen press o p.1 / 2 / 3 / 4 : Select the same default key as used for the access point.This should normally be set to “1”.••qweyrtPIN codeSee overleaf