Programming theEU5C-SWD-CAN10603/11 MN05013002Z-ENTable 11: Manufacturer-specific messagesIf "Emcy-Error-Code" =0xFF00 is displayed, a 32-bit variablewith error flags in accordance with Table 12 is stored in themanufacturer-specific area (byte 4 to 7) of the EMCY tele-gram.Byte 3 of the EMCY telegram is 0x00.Table 12: Failure code listing for “Emcy error code” = 0xFF00Diagnostic code Meaning used by0x00 No diagnostic message active All devices that support the extendeddiagnosis0x10 Contact in middle position RMQ0x11 Contact short-circuit RMQ0x13 Output overload I/O moduleByte Bit dwBit Rele-vanceMeaning4 0 0 Info CANopen: not all reception word variables can be mapped inPDOs.1 1 Info CANopen: not all reception byte variables can be mapped inPDOs.2 2 Info CANopen: not all transmission word variables were able tobe mapped in PDOs.3 3 Info CANopen: not all transmission byte variables were able to bemapped in PDOs.4 4 Error CANopen: no valid CAN baud rate found.5 5 Error CANopen: no valid CANopen node ID is set(set the value 1 to 32!).6 6 - Reserved7 7 - Free