Object directory11103/11 MN05013002Z-ENUser-specific entries (0x2000-0x5FFF)The following memory locations are scheduled:Listing of the object entries:Table 14: Object entriesIndex areas Entries0x2000 - 0x20FF Configuration settings of the SmartWire-DT master0x2100 - 0x21FF Configuration settings of the SmartWire-DT slaves0x2200 - 0x22FF Acyclic communication with SmartWire-DT slaves0x2300 - 0x23FF Extended diagnostic messages from SmartWire-DT slavesIndex Subindex DataTypeDefaultvalueConfiguration settings of the SmartWire-DT masterDescription0x2000 0 U8 4(1..7)Baud rate SmartWire-DT (r/w)0x2001 0 U8 0(0..1)Compatibility rule for exchange(0=compatible devices allowed; 1=compatible devices not allowed) (r/w)0x2002 0 U8 0(0..1)Presence of slave devices (0=defined by each slave; 1=all slaves are optional.) (r/w)0x2003 0 U8 1(0..1)Configuration comparison mandatory0x2004 0 U32 --DiagFlags (Table 14.4)(ro)0x2010 0 U8 0(0..255)Delay between cyclic exchange (ms) (r/w)Configuration settings of the SmartWire-DT slaves0x2100 0..100 U8 1(0..1)Presence of device on SWD (0 = device may not be present; 1 = device shall be present. (r/w)