If you want to fly to the Bravo-Charlie 3 corner of the45°N and 123°W grid, you would define the corner asa USER waypoint with the name “53BC3.” The SARposition is set to 40°N and 120°W.The “5” comes from the 5° added to 40°N. The nextnumber, “3”, comes from the 3° added to 120°W. Thefirst letter, “B”, notes the 30’ grid divisions. Thesecond letter, “C”, notes the 15’ grid division.1. Press the DB smart key. Turn the LARGE knob tothe “Create User Wpt By Basic Grid” page. PressENTER.Create User Wptby BASIC GRIDPress ENTER2. The first character of the Grid will flash. Use theLARGE and SMALL knobs to select the desired Gridlocation.00A1_ USER40°00.00N120°00.00W4-31Moving Map Functionsa bc da bc da bc da bc dac d45 º46 º123º124 ºNew SAR PositionReference Point(i.e. Lat 45 and Lon 123)1C24 3Basic GridUser Waypoint53BC3b