Auto DescentThe Auto Descent feature allows you to input adesired End Altitude, an Offset Distance from adesired Auto Descent Waypoint from the Active flightplan, a desired Feet per Minute Descent rate, and anexpected Ground speed. It then automaticallycalculates the distance remaining in your Active flightplan to the desired Auto Descent Waypoint and,based on the calculated glide path angle, your presentaltitude, and the altitude you are descending to, alertsyou with a message when you should begin and endyour descent. A Nav item field displays informationindicating how much time remains before you shouldbegin Auto Descent, and once Auto Descent begins,whether you are above or below your intended GlidePath. Glide Path data may also be output to anoptional Vertical Deviation or HSI Glide SlopeIndicator.Each time you begin to edit the Auto Descent values,the End Altitude is automatically reset to 1,000 feetover the altitude of the desired Auto DescentWaypoint, if the waypoint is an airport. Otherwise,the End Altitude automatically resets to 2,000 feet. Inaddition, the default Auto Descent Waypoint isautomatically updated, as long as Auto Descent isOFF, to the current TO waypoint each time awaypoint sequence occurs.3-17Navigation BasicsAutoDescentSlopeAuto DescentOffset DistanceFlight PathEnd AltitudeAuto DescentStarting PointAuto DescentWaypointDestinationWaypoint