lock is hard to turn or the unit does not seat fully, theunit is probably binding and the mounting tubeshould be checked.Starting theFlightSimulationThe following procedure is used to start the flightsimulation. It is recommended that you have a datacard properly inserted into the data card slot so youcan use the appropriate functions.1. Turn on the power for the power supply. Press andhold down the NAV key as you turn on the powerfor the Apollo GX.2. The Apollo GX will run its database and memorytests. The display will then show that it is ready tostart the Flight Simulator.Flight SimulatorNOT FOR FLIGHTPress SEL3. Press SEL to start the Flight Simulator. The defaultground speed and altitude will be displayed. Theground speed value will flash. Turn the SMALLknob to display the desired ground speed. Speedvalues are changed in 10 kt increments.Simulator SetupsGr Speed 100ktsAltitude 1000ft4. Turn the LARGE knob to make the altitude valueflash. Turn the SMALL knob to display the desiredaltitude. Altitude values are changed in 100 ftincrements.Simulator SetupsGr Speed 170ktsAltitude 4500ft5. Press ENTER to enter the displayed ground speedand altitude values and start the flight simulation.12-3Flight SimulatorENTERSELNAV