3. Load the NDB approach to BOI. In flight planmode active plan or Nav mode home page, pressSEL. The display will flash “Load Approach?” PressENTER. Select “NDB 10R:PARMO” with theSMALL knob and press ENTER.30 nm from Boise (BOI)1. At 30 nm from your destination, the MSGannunciator will light. Press MSG. At the “EnableApproach” prompt, press ENTER.2. Select the barometric pressure for the localaltimeter setting with the SMALL knob and pressENTER.Point A (Between PARMO IAF and BO FAF)1. The Approach Active annunciator will flash at 3nm inbound. The CDI sensitivity begins to scale at2 nm inbound.2. Verify that the Approach Active annunciator lightsat BO. Verify that the OBS/HLD annunciator islighted at BO.Point B (Nearing MAP)Fly the final approach and descend to MDA.Point C (Missed Approach)1. When the decision has been made to execute thepublished missed approach, press OBS/HLD. Theactive waypoint will become BO (Missed ApproachHold Point). The CDI will gradually scale out to1.0 nm full-scale deflection. The OBS/HLDannunciator, after turning off briefly, will turn backon as BO (now the Missed Approach Hold Point),is an automatic holding waypoint.9-52Approach ExamplesSELENTERENTERENTERMSGENTEROBS/HLDWPT SEQBOI APPRPARMO iafnBO fafRW10R mapnBO mahpScale 47nmhiNDB 10RPARMO (IAF)nBO (FAF & MAHP)mfRW10R (MAP)