ApproachExample 7 -ProcedureTurn 2For this example, use the VOR or GPS-B approachfor Wenatchee, Washington. You will start theapproach using the CASHS transition. The exampleinvolves a procedure turn at the FAF that is not alsothe IAF.Illustration PointsPoint A - Between CASHS and EAT.Point B - A heading of 105° between EAT and FF285.Point C - Continue on a heading of 105° betweenFF285 and the procedure turn until beyond FF285.Point D - Make the procedure turn.Point E - Intercept the 285° inbound to FF285.1. Point A - A heading of 073° inbound to EAT.2. Point B - The Apollo GX will anticipate theprocedure turn and automatically suspendssequencing. Verify that the OBS/HLD annunciatoris illuminated.9-68Approach ExamplesEAT APPRvEAT iafFF285 fafvEAT mapvEAT mahpScale 5nmh miVOR BfEAT (IAF), (MAP),& (MAHP)FF285 (FAF)WenatcheeEAT(IAF)CASHSFF285 (FAF)105ºABC DE285º240º60º073º