Keys There are two types of keys that allow you access tothe functions in your Apollo GX: permanent “hard”keys and displayed “smart” keys. Seven back lightedpermanent keys are used to reach the functions orperform other operations of the Apollo GX. The“smart” key labels are shown on the bottom of thedisplay. There are two categories of “smart” keys:those available for the Map function and thoseavailable at all other times. Press the key below thelabel to use the displayed function. Press a functionkey once to go to the last page viewed or twice to go toits “home” page.Hard Keys The “Hard” keys are the easy-touch, black, roundedkeys with white lettering on the right side of thedisplay. These keys include, NAV, NRST, INFO, SEL,MAP, Direct-To, and ENTER .NAV (Navigation)Press the NAV key to reach the navigation functions.Press twice to go to the “top” page.NRST (Nearest Waypoint)The Nearest Waypoint (Emergency) mode displaysthe closest waypoints to your position.INFO (Information)The Info function accesses supplementaryinformation about a waypoint. Press INFO a secondtime to return to the previous display.SEL (Select)The SELECT key activates editing or the selection ofoptions. Editing is active on the items that flash onthe display. Press SEL a second time to deactivateselection.1-4IntroductionNRSTNAVSELINFONAV NRST INFO SELENTERMAP D