Editing Owner InformationIt is necessary to enter a password before editingowner information. Editing is then enabled until theunit is turned off.1. Start editing by pressing SEL.User Must FirstEnter Password..2. The password entry page is then ready. Select thecharacters with the SMALL knob and move to thenext character to the right by turning the LARGEknob cw. When you turn the LARGE knob, the lastcharacter is erased to enforce secrecy of yourpassword.Enter ownerPassword:______3. Press ENTER when you finish entering thepassword. If the entered password does not matchthe true password, you will be given anotherchance. You can cancel by pressing SEL. If theentered password matches, the screen flashes amessage for about two seconds followed by the lastdisplayed owner info page. Once the correctpassword is entered, editing is allowed until yourApollo GX is turned off. Press SEL to start editing.Password MatchedEditing Enabled4. Select the characters with the SMALL knob andmove to the next character to the right by turningthe LARGE knob cw. Press ENTER to save theinformation.7-16System FunctionsENTERENTERSEL