Initial Approach Fix (IAF)1. Prior to the Initial Approach Fix (IAF), the MSGindicator will light to announce a Waypoint ArrivalAlert. Press MSG to acknowledge the message andview the instructions to the next approach point.2. Press MSG to return to the previous function.3. Prior to reaching the IAF, determine if a procedureturn or a course reversal is required. If so, pressOBS/HLD to suspend sequencing. See page 21 fordetails on procedure turns.Final Approach Fix (FAF)1. When you are 3 nm inbound to the Final ApproachFix (FAF) and not on Hold (sequencingsuspended), the Active light will flash to indicatethat you are about to transition to Approach Activeand Approach RAIM Prediction will begin. At 2nm from the FAF, the CDI sensitivity will start togradually scale from 1.0 to 0.3 nm full scale. At theFAF, CDI sensitivity will be at 0.3 nm full scale.2. When you are near the Final Approach Fix, theMSG annunciator will flash and a standardWaypoint Arrival Alert will turn on. Press MSG toacknowledge the message. Press MSG to return toyour previous function.9-10Approach Basics (GX50/60)MSGOBS/HLDWPT SEQMSGMSGApproach Transition OperationCDI Scale = 1.0nm2nm toFAF3nm toFAFCDI ScaleTransitions1.0 to 0.3nmCDI ScaleTransitions5.0 to 1.0nm ACTIVEAnnunciatorFlashesIAF FAFAPPRCH Annunciator On