2. Press SEL to start editing. Turn the LARGE knob toselect the FROM (first) waypoint position. Turnthe SMALL knob, if necessary, so the flashingselection shows “Ins?” (Insert). Press ENTER.From Ins?To ______Next ______3. The Waypoint Type will flash. Choose theWaypoint Type with the SMALL knob.AIRPORT AAFAPALACHIOCOLAcity FL USA4. Turn the LARGE knob to the first character of thewaypoint name. The first character of the waypointname will flash. Turn the SMALL knob to select thedesired character.AIRPORT EAAEAGLEcity AK USA5. Turn the LARGE knob clockwise one click to moveto the next character. Turn the SMALL knob toselect the desired character. Continue to selectadditional characters.AIRPORT EUFEUFAULAcity AL USA3-27Navigation BasicsENTERSEL