9511MENU SCREEN OPERATION12345678910111213141516171819DD GPS auto TX timerSelects the desired interval for automatic position transmis-sion function from 5, 10, 30 second, 1, 3, 5, 10, 30 minutesand OFF. (default: OFF)• The position data is transmitted manually (with [PTT]) when “OFF” isselected.DD DV auto detectWhen a signal other than DV mode is received during DVmode operation, the transceiver has capability of automaticFM mode selection.• OFF : Operating mode is fixed in DV. (default)• ON : The transceiver automatically selects FMmode for temporary operation.DD Call sign edit recordSelects the call sign programming when the call sign is editedor corrected with the pre-programmed call sign.• OFF : The edited or corrected call sign is over writ-ten.• SELECT : The edited or corrected call sign is pro-grammed into the selected call sign memory.• AUTO : The edited or corrected call sign is pro-grammed into a blank channel automatically.(default)AUTOAUTOSELECTSELECTOFFOFFEDIT RECORDr AUTOAUTOSELECTSELECTOFFOFFEDIT RECORDrOFFOFFONONDV AUTO DETECTDV AUTO DETECTr OFFOFFONONDV AUTO DETECTrOFFOFF5SEC5SEC10SEC10SEC30SEC30SEC1MIN1MINGPS AUTO TXGPS AUTO TXr OFFOFF5SEC5SEC10SEC10SEC30SEC30SEC1MIN1MINGPS AUTO TXr