587 DV MODE OPERATION (Optional UT-121 is required) GPS operationDuring GPS mode operation, a GPS receiver (RS-232C out-put/NMEA format) can be connected to the [DATA] socket ofthe IC-E91 to indicate the current position (Latitude and Longi-tude) . The position data is transmitted with your voice signalsat the same time.In addition, the GPS message transmission is also availablefor the GPS mode operation.DD Sentence formatter settingq Enter “GPS MODE” in DV set mode. (p. 94)• GPS MODE screen is displayed.w Rotate [DIAL]† to select “ON.”e Push [ï](5)† to select GPS SENTENCE screen.rRotate [DIAL]† to select the desired GPS sentence, thenpush [ï](5).• A total 5 sentences, RMC, GGA, GLL, GSA and VTG are avail-able.t Rotate [DIAL]† to turn the sentence usage ON and OFF.yPush [ï](5) (or [ΩΩ](4)) to return to GPS SENTENCEscreen.uRepeat the steps r to y to set another GPS sentenceusage.• Up to 3 GPS sentences are usable at the same time.i Push [MENU/LOCK] to return to frequency indication.OFFONGPS MODEGPS MODE:SENTENCE:SENTENCErMENU screen ➪ DV SET MODE ➪ GPS MODE(Push [MENU/LOCK]) (Rotate [DIAL]†, then push [ï](5)†.)OPC-1529R(optional)to [DATA] to RS-232C port(null modemadapter is required)GPSreceiver