10412 OTHER FUNCTIONS Transmitting a DTMF codeD Transmitting from DTMF memoryThe selected DTMF code is transmitted at each push of the[SQL] switch while transmitting.The transmitting speed at which DTMF memories send in-dividual DTMF characters can be set in “DTMF SPEED”menu. (p. 99)q Set the desired frequency. (p. 18)w Push and hold [DTMF.M](.) for 1 sec. to enter DTMF mem-ory.e Rotate [DIAL]† to select the desired DTMF memory chan-nel.r Push [ï](5) to set the DTMF memory.t Push [VFO] to exit DTMF memory.y While pushing [PTT], push [SQL] to transmit the selectedDTMF code.D Transmitting a DTMF code directlyDTMF code can be transmitted via keypad directly whiletransmitting.q Set the desired frequency. (p. 18)w While pushing [PTT], push the desired keys to transmit theDTMF code.• [0]–[9] input “0”–“9,” [A](VFO) inputs “A,” [B](MR) inputs “B,”[C](CALL) inputs “C,” [D](BAND) inputs “D,” [#](.) inputs “#” and[✱](REC) inputs “✱.”MemoNamePRIO WX EMRDTCSFMA 438 500PSKIP+DUP25μ 0005D28AB4DTMF codes do not appear onthe display when transmittingcodes directly.DTMF code keysAFM438 500P SKIPMemoNamePRIOPRIO WXWX EMREMRDTCSDTCSFMFMA 438 500PSKIPPSKIP+DUP+DUP25μ 0005D28AB45D28AB4[DIAL]The DTMF code is displayed tohere when transmitting the code.