738MEMORY/CALL CHANNELS12345678910111213141516171819 Erasing/transferring bank contentsThe bank contents of programmed memory channels can becleared or reassigned to another memory bank.INFORMATION: Even if the memory bank contents arecleared, the memory channel contents still remain pro-grammed.qSelect the desired bank contents to be transferred orerased from the bank. (p. 68)➥ Push [MR] several times to select memory bank mode.➥ While pushing [BAND], rotate [DIAL] to select the de-sired memory bank group.➥ Rotate [DIAL] to select the bank channel.wPush [S.MW](MR) for 1 sec. to enter select memory writemode.• 1 short and 1 long beeps sound.• Displays the original memory channel number automatically and“μμ ” indicator blinks.• Do not hold [S.MW](MR) for more than 2 sec., otherwise thememory contents will be copied to VFO.ePush [∫∫](2) or [√√](8) to select “BANK.”rPush [≈≈](6) or [ΩΩ](4) several times to select the desiredbank group to be transferred.• Select “– – – –” indication when erasing the contents from thebank.t Rotate [DIAL] to select the desired bank channel.• Skip this step when “– – – –” indication is selected in step r.yPush [S.MW](MR) for 1 sec. to erase/transfer the bankcontents.145 600BANK :----BNAME:MNAME:SKIP :OFFFMrμ 025145 600BANK :B-11BNAME:MNAME:SKIP :OFFFMrμ 025To transfer the bank contentsto ch 11 in Bank B.To erase[DIAL]Bank channel isdisplayed.is displayed.AμFM433 000001AμFM433 000C05AμFM433 000C05[DIAL]