2PANEL DESCRIPTION2 Front, top and side panelsq ANTENNA CONNECTOR (p. 1)Connects the supplied antenna.• An optional AD-92SMA adapter (p. 121) is available for connect-ing an antenna with a BNC connector.w TX/RX INDICATOR [TX/RX] (p. 24)Lights green while receiving a signal or when the squelchis open; lights red while transmitting.e PTT SWITCH [PTT] (p. 24)Push and hold to transmit, release to receive.r SQUELCH KEY [SQL]➥ Push and hold to open the squelch temporarily andmonitor the operating frequency. (p. 22)➥ While pushing and holding this key, rotate [DIAL] to ad-just the squelch level. (p. 21)t MENU/LOCK KEY [MENU/LOCK]➥ Push to toggle menu screen indication ON and OFF.(p. 85)➥ Push and hold for 1 sec. to toggle the lock function ONand OFF. (p. 25)y POWER KEY [PWR]Push and hold for 1 sec. to turn the transceiver power ONand OFF.u MAIN/DUAL KEY [MAIN/DUAL]➥ Push to select the main band between A and B bands.(p. 26)➥ Push and hold for 1 sec. to toggle the dualwatch func-tion ON and OFF. (p. 25)i KEYPAD (pgs. 4, 5)qw!5Function displayInternal microphoneSpeaker!2!6ertyui!4!3o!0!1!7