537DV MODE OPERATION (Optional UT-121 is required)7DD Message TransmissionSelect the message transmission function ON (Ch01–05) andOFF. When a message channel is selected, the transceivertransmits a text message (pre-programmed). (default: OFF)qSet the operating frequency, call signs and other settings,such as repeater, as desired in B band.wPerform the steps q to e in “D TX message program-ming” as at left.eRotate [DIAL]† to select the desired message channel.• “Ch01” to “Ch05” available.• See left-hand pages for message programming.rPush [ï](5) to set the message for transmission.tPush [PTT] to transmit the selected message.• The message is transmitted each time [PTT] is pushed.• The message is transmitted each 30 sec. automatically duringcontinuous transmission.y Release [PTT] to return to receive.uWhen the reply call with a message is received, the callsign and the message scrolls at the bottom of the functiondisplay.✔ For your informationThe automatic received call sign and/or message indicationcan be turned OFF in display set mode, if desired.➥ RX CALL SIGN (p. 100)➥ RX MESSAGE (p. 101)NOTE: Only 1 message can be stored in the IC-E91. Thereceived message is cleared by turning power OFF, oroverwritten when another message is received.A transmitted message that includes lower case charac-ters from the IC-E91 may not be decoded and displayedcorrectly by the ID-800H, IC-V82/U82, etc.DVDVB 430 71250MSG:Hello!Scrolls the received message. †[DIAL] ↔ [∫∫](2)/[√√](8) [ï](5) ↔ [≈≈](6)1234568910111213141516171819