6 EDIT MENU21 Field Programming Reference (FPRG) Version: Context MenuSelect the channel by clicking the channel number andright-click to display the context menu of the selectedchannel. In this menu, you can copy or delete theconfiguration data.Figure 6-5 Context MenuTable 6-1 Context Menu6.2 Channel Edit WindowIt can configure the channel data to transmit/receive onthe “Channel Edit” window. You can configure data ofmaximum 16 channels. You can configure the EncodeTone in Multiple, Beat Shift, QT Reverse Burst,Compander, CW ID, and Voice Scrambler functions.Figure 6-6 Channel Edit window6.2.1 Reception FrequencyIt can configure the Reception Frequency to directly enterthe value in the edit box.Note:! The frequency range varies corresponding to the model and themarket code. (Refer to FUNC 1.2 Transmission/ReceptionFrequency.)! You can use numbers, “.”, and “,” for the 9 digits of thefrequency.! You must enter the value within the range when configuring thefrequency. When entering the frequency, which is out of therange, it will be automatically replaced to the highest value orthe lowest value within the range configured in “ModelInformation” > “Frequency” window. (Refer to 5.1 ModelInformation.)! You must configure the “Reception Frequency” first beforeconfiguring other functions. On the other hand, the otherfunctions resets when deleting the frequency data configured inthe “Reception Frequency” window.Function DescriptionCopy Copy the selected channel.Paste Paste the copied channel data.Delete Delete the selected channel.to Clipboard Copy the selected channel data to theclipboard.to Clipboard (w/Title)You can copy the selected channel data tothe clipboard with the title.Range TKR-750/751 100.00000 - 280.00000 MHzTKR-850/851 327.00000 - 550.00000 MHzDefault Blank