Note that the Library is the only other way to display and access your files: You could also navigateto the same files in your file system. The (substantial) difference lies in the fact that the Libraryorganizes your files in a musically relevant way.Which Files are Included in the MASCHINE Library?The files included in the MASCHINE Library are all MASCHINE-relevant files found in the fold-ers whose paths are listed in the Library page of the Preferences panel. For more informationon how to manage these library folders, please refer to ↑3.6.4, Preferences – Default Page.4.1.2 Browsing the Library vs. Browsing Your Hard DisksThe Browser is your interface to the MASCHINE Library. It provides all necessary tools tosearch for the files you require — and suggest other files you might not have thought of. Be-side this, the Browser also allows you to navigate your file system in a classic way. Both aredescribed in the next section.The Browser provides two operation modes, each of them providing its own tools:▪ The LIBRARY pane allows you to browse the MASCHINE Library. This is the preferred wayto search for files meeting particular musical requirements. This pane also allows you totag your own files to your liking.▪ The FILES pane allows you to browse your hard disks by using the hierarchical folder struc-ture of your operating system. For example you can use it to navigate files that have notbeen imported into the MASCHINE Library — and you can import them from there!In contrast to the software, the Browser on your controller can only load files that have already beenadded to the Library. You cannot directly access specific directories on your hard disks with theBrowser using the controller. This is why you should always import all your files to the Library andtag them using the software beforehand.Switching Between LIBRARY and FILES Pane► To show the LIBRARY pane or the FILES pane of the Browser, click the corresponding tabat the top of the Browser.BrowserBrowser BasicsMASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 137