▪ Bold: ↑9.2.7, Kick – Bold.▪ Maple: ↑9.2.8, Kick – Maple.▪ Push: ↑9.2.9, Kick – Push.For more information on engines, see ↑9.1.1, Engines: Many Different Drums per Drumsynth. Forgeneral information on the Kick and the other Drumsynths, see ↑9.1, Drumsynths – General Han-dling.9.2.1 Kick – SubThe Sub engine is the default engine of the Kick.Based on the kick from a classic analog drum machine, the Sub kick is a clean, subby, sine-based kick drum which can be very effectively abused as a sub bass, tom or even a bleepy leadif tuned up and played chromatically on the keyboard.The parameters described below are presented as they appear in the Control area (Arrange view).The same parameters are available in the Plug-in panel within the Plug-in Strip (Mix view). See↑13.4, The Plug-in Strip for more information on this.Main PageElement DescriptionMAIN SectionEngine Selects the engine used in the Kick Plug-in. If you change thissetting, please refer to ↑9.2, The Kicks.Tune Adjusts the pitch of the drum played by the middle C, measured inMIDI note numbers and cents. Available values range from 31.00 to55.00. The default value is 43.00. For more details see ↑9.1.5,Pitch Range, Tuning, and MIDI Notes.Decay Adjusts the duration of the sound’s tail, measured as a percentage.Available values range from 0.0 to 100.0 % (default: 50.0 %).Using the DrumsynthsThe KicksMASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 364