The Limiter on the controller: SIDE-CHAIN INPUT page.Input Level Meter in the Limiter Panel (Plug-in Strip)In the Plug-in Strip, the Limiter panel offers an extra feature not available in the Control area:The Threshold fader (corresponding to the Threshold parameter of the Main page in the Controlarea) provides a level meter for visual monitoring of the input level. By comparing this inputlevel with the position of the Threshold fader, you can easily see which parts of the signal willbe limited, and adjust the Threshold fader accordingly.15.1.5 MaximizerThe Maximizer reduces the dynamics within the sound, making the overall sound louder. It issimilar to the Limiter, but it is specifically designed for increasing the perceived volume.If this effect is used in a Sound or a Group, it also provides a Side-Chain Input page (in theControl area and on your controller).The Maximizer panel in the Plug-in Strip.Effect ReferenceDynamicsMASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 681