→ If the Mixer was displaying Sound strips beforehand, it will display all Group strips in-stead, and the Group you have double-clicked will be focused. If the Mixer was displayingGroup strips beforehand, it will instead display all Sound strips of the Group that you havedouble-clicked. The last focused Sound slot in that Group will be focused again.Make sure that you double-click in the header background and not on the number or letter+numberin the top left corner of the header — instead of switching the Mixer between both views this wouldmute/unmute the Group channel in question!13.2.2 Adjusting the Mixer LayoutNo matter which of the Group or Sound level is currently displayed in the Mixer, you can adjustits layout as described below in order to focus on your current task.Maximizing/Minimizing the MixerYou can minimize/maximize the Mixer so that it shows only the Group and Sound headers orthe entire channel strips:► Click the arrow button at the bottom left of the Mixer to show and hide the channel de-tails in the Mixer.Minimizing/maximizing the Mixer.When the Mixer is minimized, the channel strips are shrinked to their headers:A channel strip in the minimized Mixer.Controlling Your MixThe MixerMASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 608