Adjusting the Grid Using Record Prepare ModeThis extra method is very useful if you are about to start a new recording. Indeed, the RecordPrepare mode (accessed by pressing the unlit REC button and holding it) is tightly integratedinto the recording workflow of Control mode. For all details please refer to section ↑11.2.2,The Record Prepare Mode.11.1.7 Adjusting the Step Grid and the Nudge GridThe Step Grid defines regularly spaced-out timings (the “steps”) at which your events/notes canbe created, moved, etc. The Step Grid resolution corresponds to the step size, which directlyaffects the precision of all Pattern editing actions, including quantization (see ↑11.4.7, Quan-tizing Events/Notes section for more on quantization).The Step Grid also affects the step sequencer on your controller: Increasing the Step Grid resolution(i.e. decreasing the step size) will make more steps available in your Pattern for placing events. See↑11.4.2, Creating Events/Notes for more information on the step sequencer.In the Pattern Editor, the Step Grid is indicated by the gray vertical lines in the Event area:The vertical lines represent the Step Grid in the Event area.By default the Step Grid is active and the step size is 1/16th. However you may use anotherstep size or disable the Step Grid completely, as described below.Depending on the current zoom factor and Step Grid resolution, if the vertical lines of the Step Gridare too close to each other they will be hidden to avoid convoluting the display. For example, thiscould be the case if you display 6 or 8 bars and choose a Step Grid resolution of 1/64th.Working with PatternsPattern BasicsMASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 461