13 Controlling Your MixThe default view of the MASCHINE software is the Arrange view, which contains the Arrangerat the top, the Control area in the middle, and the Pattern Editor / Sampler Editor at the bot-tom. The Arrange view is best suited to organize your melodies and rhythms in the timeline:With it you can for example finely tailor your Patterns for each of your Groups in the PatternEditor, and put them together as Clips in the Arranger to build a complete song.The Mix view is the other main view of MASCHINE. Instead of focusing on the time-dependentaspects of your Project, it gives you quick access to the level and routing settings of all yourSounds, Groups, and the Master. In addition, it provides you with an intuitive interface for ad-justing the parameters of all your Plug-ins.The Mix view can come in handy at various stages of your work, e.g., when building customdrum kits, setting up send effects, creating advanced routings… and, last but not least, duringlive performances.13.1 Mix View BasicsThis section describes the basic operation of the Mix view.Mix View vs. Arranger ViewsIt is important to note that the Mix view does not provide any additional settings that are notavailable in Arrange view. In other words, every action done in Mix view can also be done in theArranger views (Ideas view and Song view). The purpose of the Mix view is rather to organizethe information and settings in a different way that is better suited for particular workflows,notably those involving levels and routings.In the rest of the chapter, for each procedure in Mix view we will quickly mention the equiva-lent procedure in Arrange view or point to the corresponding description in this manual.13.1.1 Switching between Arrange View and Mix ViewYou can switch the MASCHINE software at any time between the Arranger views (Ideas viewand Song view) and Mix view:Controlling Your MixMix View BasicsMASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 602