→ The Scene takes its new place. On your controller in Scene mode, you can now select thisScene via the pad corresponding to its new location.16.2.10 Making Scenes UniqueIf a Scene is referencing the same Patterns you can make a separate (unique) copy of theScene and its Patterns by selecting Unique. This allows you to work on a new separate copy ofthe Scene and its Pattern in isolation. Use Unique in combination with the Duplicate option.For more information on the Duplicate option, read: ↑16.2.8, Duplicating Scenes.To make a Scene unique in the Ideas view:► In the top row of the Ideas view, right-click ([Ctrl]-click on macOS) the name of the Sceneyou want to make unique and select Unique from the context menu:→ A unique copy of the Scene and its Patterns are created.This option is only available if the selected Scene is referencing the same Patterns as anotherScene.Working with the ArrangerUsing Ideas ViewMASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 776